Journal Submission Guidelines


Submission Guidelines 

Submissions to Words Beats & Life will be forwarded to a member of the editorial board or other reviewer for comment. Submissions are considered by specialized reviewers familiar with the topic of the work, and the field of hip-hop studies. Preference will be given to pieces that are challenging, original, as well as clearly and persuasively written. Anonymity is accorded to both authors and reviewers. Therefore, identifying information, including names of authors, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses should not be included in the manuscript

IMPORTANT NOTE: All submissions made to the journal are considered final drafts. In order to honor our publisher's production schedule, manuscripts accepted for publication in WBLJ must be forwarded to our Production Editor immediately, allowing contributors no time to make revisions. Before submitting your work, please be sure that the manuscript being uploaded is the version you wish to ultimately see in print. 

Scholarly research papers: 3,000 words (minimum) to 8,000 words (maximum) (includes endnotes and reference list). All submissions designated as scholarly require an abstract that should not exceed 150 words in length. The abstract should be written in a manner so as to make clear the significant findings of the article to readers from across disciplines. All scholarly submissions should be accompanied by five keywords.

All manuscripts must be double-spaced and submitted only as a Word document (.doc or .docx). Manuscripts should not exceed 10,000 words excluding the title page, abstract, biographical information, and references. All manuscripts should follow the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (8th edition) and include works cited and endnotes, not footnotes. WBLJ 's Style Guidelines can be downloaded HERE

Scholarly reviews: 1,000- 2,000 words (books, albums, films) 

Interviews: 1,500 – 3,000 words 

Authors wishing to submit manuscripts below or exceeding these guidelines must consult with the editor-in-chief prior to submitting work. 

All poetry submissions are now limited to no more than five poems at a time with a maximum of ten poems by an author per calendar year. Additional poems (unless requested by the Editor) will automatically be declined and/or returned. You must create a separate submission for each poem. 

All prose submissions (*essays*, memoirs, narratives, fiction, etc.) are now limited to one manuscript per submission (3,500 words maximum) with a maximum of three submissions by an author each calendar year. Additional fiction submissions (unless requested by the Editor) will automatically be declined and returned. You must create a separate submission for each prose manuscript.

Artwork (3-5 pieces) should be submitted as low-resolution .jpg or PDF files. Artwork must include the following information: title of the piece, year created, media, dimensions (in inches), and location of the piece. 


TO UPLOAD MULTIPLE poems, articles, images, etc. please compress into a zip file and upload in the field titled "Work Sample (Upload)" - OR - create a folder in a cloud storage platform (Google drive, Dropbox, etc) and add the share link to the field titled "Work Sample (Link)" and make sure your folder does not have restricted permissions.

PLEASE DO NOT submit separate work one at a time in multiple forms.

Manuscripts submitted to WBLJ should not be currently under review by another journal or by a book-length publication. We do not accept simultaneous submissions. Moreover, we do not accept any unsolicited material that has been previously published. 

Please do not send revisions when your manuscript is being reviewed; those revisions will not be considered during the review process. 

Throughout the calendar year, authors who have submitted manuscripts to WBLJ may track the status of their submissions at any time. 

Authors will be contacted after the review process, which takes from two months to one year, on average. A brief note on the author is required, including name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information (preferably an e-mail address). 


Nii Kotei Nikoi

The College of Wooster

Maranda Ward

George Washington University

Melissa Castilloplanas

Lehman CUNY

Michael Royster

Prairie View A & M University

Bryce Henson

University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign 

Chris Brown

Minnesota St. University

Mankato Antonio Cuyler

FSU, Tallahassee

Thomas Sayers Ellis

Blue Flower Arts

Murray Forman

Northeastern University, Boston 

Akil Houston

Ohio University, Athens

Mary Sies

University of Maryland, College Park

Katina Stapleton

Institute of Education Sciences, WDC 

Nancy L. Struna 

University of Maryland, College Park

Jeffrey McCune

Washington University, St. Louis 

Mindy Chateauvert

University of Maryland, College Park

Joseph Richardson

University of Maryland, College Park 

Odis Johnson

Washington University, St. Louis

P. Khalil Saucier

Rhode Island College, Providence

Rob Chester

University of Maryland, College Park

Tammy Henderson

University of Md, College Park 

Alyssa Todaro Brooks 

National Institutes of Health Clinical Center

Andre L. Smith

Howard University School of Law 

Alana C. Hackshaw 

University of Md, College Park 

Words Beats & Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture (WBLJ) is a journal devoted to creative works and critical studies of hip-hop culture worldwide. Studies of life and culture in the hip-hop world are also published in WBLJ. 

You can subscribe online at or become a journal “Friend” for just $50 per year! Friends of Words Beats & Life receive a one-year subscription and recognition in our “Friends” section. To become a journal friend today, please call (202) 667-1192 or email 

Attention Librarians

Words Beats & Life is available online via EBSCO Humanities International Complete database. Please contact your local EBSCO representative for further information about purchasing the journal. 

Universities Using The WBL Journal In Their Classrooms 

American University 

Bryant University 

The George Washington University 

Morgan State University 

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 

Penn State University 

Temple University, Japan 

Syracuse University 

Virginia Tech 

University of Maryland, College Park 

The Ohio State University 

Occidental College 

University of Oregon 

Notes For Contributors 

Words Beats & Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture is a peer-reviewed periodical of art and hip-hop studies published by the 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Words Beats & Life, Inc. The journal is committed to nurturing and showcasing creative talents and expertise in the field of hip-hop studies. We publish two issues per year with the intention of serving as a platform where the work of scholars and artists can appear in dialogue. Since 2002, Words Beats & Life has devoted its pages to both emerging and established intellectuals and artists. As the premier resource for hip-hop theory and practice, the scholarship we publish serves as a resource for the field of hip-hop studies and the work of hip-hop nonprofits— helping each to advance their work to the next phase of their respective growth in the United States and around the globe. 


Manuscripts must not be previously published, nor should they be submitted for publication elsewhere while being reviewed by Words Beats & Life. Please confirm this fact in writing when submitting your article, essay, poetry, or art. 

Submissions to Words Beats & Life will be reviewed by the editorial board to ensure content and style are appropriate for our publication. After the initial review, submissions are considered by reviewers familiar with the specific topic, genre, and format of the work in a double-blind peer review process. Preference will be given to pieces that are challenging, original, as well as clearly and persuasively written or presented. 

Author’s Note 

A brief note on the author(s) is required, including name, title, institutional affiliation or short bio, and contact information (preferably an e-mail address). 


Scholarly research papers – 3,500 to 8,000 words (incl. endnotes and references) 

Critical essays – 2,500 words maximum Editorials – 1,500 words maximum Interviews – 3,500 words maximum (submit a proposal first) 

Poetry – 4 poems (no word limit), author bio, artist statement, and photo 

Visual Art – 7-10 pieces, artist bio and photo (.pdf, .jpg, .tiff 1,500 words (maximum) 

Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted. 

Authors wishing to submit manuscripts outside these guidelines must consult with the editor-in-chief prior to submitting work, email 


Words Beats & Life follows the MLA style guide. Manuscripts for scholarly research papers should be typed and double-spaced with at least one-inch margins. Notes should be kept to a minimum (not more than twelve) and be identified by a superscript numeral. The sequence runs throughout the article and will appear as endnotes at the end of scholarly articles, Please avoid using automatic footnote/ endnote functions; simply append the end notes to the end of the article. Articles should be prepared for anonymous reviewing, with any self-identifying references removed. If a cover sheet including identifying information is sent, this must be a separate document/file. 

Authors must check, correct, and bring manuscripts up to date before final submission. Authors should verify facts, names of people, places, and dates, and double-check all direct quotations and entries in the reference list. 

Images/ Graphics, Illustrations, photographs, and other graphics can be included with an indication of placement in the text. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for all copyrighted materials. Sources must be indicated. All images/graphics should be accompanied by a caption and an acknowledgment to the copyright holder. Any image/graphic submitted electronically should preferably be 600 dpi (300 dpi minimum) in .jpg or .tiff format. 

Submission Form

The preferred format for electronic submissions is Microsoft Word (.doc). Please include your full name, any affiliation, and the title of your paper in the body of the email. The preferred mode of submission is by email attachment to : 


Brief comments on work published in Words Beats & Life are welcome. In the case of acceptance, the original author will be invited to make a very brief reply, and normally the exchange will be closed at that point. 


For all queries concerning possible submissions, interview ideas, etc., please e-mail 

For visual artists, graphic designers, and illustrators interested in collaborating on future issues, please contact our Arts & Culture Editor, at 


Contributors to Words Beats & Life: The Global Journal of Hip-Hop Culture express their own opinions, which should not be interpreted as the official views of any organization with which they are affiliated. The views expressed in the journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of 501(c)(3) nonprofit, Words Beats & Life, Inc. With exception of fair use, no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means either wholly or in part without prior written permission of Words Beats & Life, Inc. If you intend to use this publication for educational purposes, please contact us. [Manuscripts, artwork, and photographs can be accepted only with the understanding that neither the organization nor its agents accept liability for loss or damage.

For detailed information, terms and conditions, quotations, and international inquiries, please e-mail or call (202) 667-1192