Untitled (v5, i2)

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Volume 5, Issue 2

“Last night I dreamt I was sitting with Mikey on a public park bench somewhere. I interrupted him as he was talking to me and said, “You know…people think you’re dead.” I patted him on the back to make sure he was really there. He grinned mischeviously, but there was also a look of shame—as if to admit that he felt bad for pulling this horrible prank on everybody. He stood up, stepped into a bear costume and then pressed play on a boombox set to slow-motion so it sounded like a bear growl. When I awoke, it took me a good 30 seconds before I realized that my sense of relief was a hoax of my mind’s own doing.”

- Sage France, The Man Behind the Eyedea: A Tribute to Michael Larsen

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Founder/Executive Director: Mazi Mutafa

Editor-in-Chief: Jef Tate

Managing Editor: Managing Editor

Layout: Cory L. Stowers, Mia D. DuVall

Art & Culture Director: Nick Schonberger

Literary Editor: Fred Joiner

Editorial Staff: Jamie Benson, Marilyn Alexis Braxton, Alexander Haddad, Remina Jarmon, Nate Mathews, Akoto Ofori-Atta, Ashton Wingate, Karlena Walker

Graphic Designer: Mia D. DuVall, Katrina Paz-Stowers

Book Review Editor: Daw-Nay Evans

Contributing Photographers: Marlene Hawthorne-Thomas, Rich Hama, Azul Amaral

Copy Editor: Eric Berlin


All proceeds fuel the work we put it in for those in need of safe spaces to express themselves through and experience Hip-Hop in its purest form.

(202) 667-1192

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